Vzhledem k tomu, že se ve Zlíně objevili lidé neznalí pravidel kdo vyhrává, když skončí časový limit tak zde postuji vyřez z off. pravidel!
C-23. End-of-Match Procedure
This end-of-match procedure is used for both single-game matches and best-of-three-game matches.
When time is called at the end of a round, the players finish the current turn and then play three additional turns. Then, play stops, and the match winner is determined using the following process:
• A player wins the match if he or she has more game wins than his or her opponent.
• If both players have an equal number of game wins, the player whose hero has the most damage is the loser of the game. If damage on the heroes is tied,
play continues. When there is a change in damage totals, the player whose hero has the most damage is the loser of the game.
• If both players have an equal number of game wins and are between games, the next game will start. The match winner will be determined by checking the damage on the heroes after four turns. If damage on the heroes is tied, play continues. When there is a change in damage totals, the player whose hero has the most damage is the loser of the game.
Srr že je to anglicky ale nemám čas to přeložit takže kdyžtak nekdy jindy