Jen bych doplnil to co je na homepage s temi novymi EA Promo Kartami, tak:
Parvink - Common - Release Tournament Promo
The Defias Brotherhood - Common - Hobby League Promo
Zygore Bladebreaker - Common - Hobby League Promo
Windseer Taurus - Uncommon - Hobby League Promo
Arcanite Reaper - Rare - cena pro Top 16 ve WoW:TCG Regionals (btw. budou regionals v CR?)
Warchief Thrall - Epic - GenConSoCal Promo
Rise to the challenge - Epic - GenConSoCal Promo
King Magni Longbeard - Epic - GenConSoCal Promo
a jedna specialni:
Feast of Great Winter - Vanocni prani od UDE&Blizzardu pro nektere TCG servery